Sunday, July 31, 2005

Max Overhead Squat Day

It's funny to see how one movement can really expose a lot of your weaknesses. For instance, I have had a shoulder injury about 5 months ago . Consequently - as I used more weight in the OHS - I noticed an instability in my left shoulder. I need to start working on my shoulder more (TGU, Ring work).

Here's what I did today (all weights in kg)

3@ 36
2@ 40
2@ 44
2@ 44
1@ 46
1@ 48
1@ 50
1@ 50
1@ 50
I didn't feel it would be wise to 'push the enveloppe' and end up re-injuring a shoulder. So I carefully stuck with 50kg. OHS form was ok though.


Davie said...


If you were going ass to anlkles on the OHS with the weights you were doing, that is a fantastic effort today.


David said...

yep, I was, I was going ass to ankles... ask my dad, he spotted me. We rigged a 'poor man's power rack'. Support one end of the barbell on a the end of 4 point ladder, the other end on my dad's shoulder. Squat under it and go. Pretty tricky to come back down though ;-)