Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rest Day

Well, it's supposed to be a rest day... but I have decided otherwise. I have a 2 day vacation coming up in a little more then a week , so I decided to hit the crossfit workouts hard, to the edge of overtraining, so I'll really have earned those 2 days of pure 'laziness' :-)

Here's what I did today, and before you start laughing at my horendous time, please take into account that this workout was preceded by a 45min bike ride (the ride home from work).

For time:
100 Squats
40 Pull-ups
80 Squats
32 Pull-ups
60 Squats
24 Pull-ups
40 Squats
16 Pull-ups
20 Squats
8 Pull-ups

Time: 41:14 minutes. This definitely needs improvement. Pull-ups were broken into sets of 3 and squats were broken into sets of 20 when necessary.
P.S.: about yesterday's remark on not running for a while, I AM going to to long distance runs, but not just now. I'll start adding them when requested in about 1 months or so.


Davie said...

when you are doing the pull ups are you kipping?

David said...

Well, let's say I'm trying. I do my pullups from a doorway chinning bar and I have to bend my legs or they'll touch the ground. So what I try to do it pullup, then - when reaching the top position - push away from the pullup bar in arc (so to speak) and immediately after that 'kip' back up . Or more importantly like Robb Wolf would say in a 'Dog is gonna get you' way. I do understand that my keep needs improvement, most certainly when in a state of fatigue. So I'll be working on those .