Sunday, July 10, 2005

Last Workout before Crossfit WOD's

How many rounds in 20 minutes of :
Bench press 135 pounds x 10 reps / 12 L-Pull-ups

Well , as usual I had to reduce the weight on the bench press. I used 110 pounds (50kg) and because I don't have a real bench , I floor pressed the weight instead . Parallettes make good spotters :-)
Guess what ... I got 3 rounds - right - not good. Also for the L-pull-ups I made sure I never really started from a dead hang as I wanted to protect my shoulders . I kind of shrugged up so my lats were already contracted - protecting my shoulders - but keeping my arms straight . I have had problems with L-pull-ups in the past when not using this technique due to a weaker left shoulder . My left shoulder was injured in the past*so needless to say I don't want to injure it again.

*= NOTE: when practicing Turkish Get-ups, always make sure you do them outside, so that when something goes wrong you can drop the kettlebell (away from your body, of course) and protect your shoulder from being pulled in an unwanted direction .

1 comment:

Davie said...

Im looking forward to seeing how you do tomorrow...train hard!!