Thursday, July 21, 2005

Lunges & Burpees

Five rounds for time of:
45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

I did 14:12, but when looking at the other times that's far from right. I did 4+4 Lunges on each leg, but that's obviously not enough distance. Anybody have a good substitute as to how much lunges -on average- would be required to lunge for 50ft?
I 'only' completed it in 14:12 minutes, but I did manage to work up a good sweat though.
I'm off to the beach ... see you all saturday. Oh don't worry, I'll try to do the missed WOD's on my future rest days ;-)

1 comment:

Davie said...

Do a lunge and measure the distance between your front foot and back foot.

are you coming over to london in september?