Monday, July 18, 2005


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95-pound Thruster

Well, I'm pretty mad. I got 10:50 minutes on this one. Not bad you say? True ... but I only used 66 (30kg) pounds and I managed to do all sets of thrusters unbroken. Pull-ups were still broken in sets of 3 except for the first set where I managed to knock out 8 reps in a row. Hmm I hope I can keep those sets of 8 coming ;-)
I kind of felt like Josh Everett or Greg Amundson - with the thrusters - in their video when doing Fran, but umm ,I'm neither of those mutants. So next time I'm going to have to up the weight by at least 5 pounds to make it harder... after all, no WOD is supposed to even be remotely easy. That's doesn't mean I wasn't working hard though ... just not hard enough.

1 comment:

Davie said...

Well done on todays wod mate