Monday, July 11, 2005

First WOD

Run 5K.

That's what the Workout of the Day prescribed today. When I started crossfit I knew workouts like this were part of the program (long endurance events) and they usually were called for about once or twice a month. Right now I'm almost 2 weeks into crossfit, but don't feel like running long distances yet . So every time an endurance event like this is called for I will replace it by one of the crossfit 'benchmark' workouts.
So here's what I did today :
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 ½ pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

I completed this in 13:07 minutes. The only change I made is I jumped rope 200 times instead of running 400 meters. Pull-ups were broken into sets of 4 reps for set 1, 3 reps for set 2 and 3 or 2 reps for set 3.
How do I feel ? Well, first of all after those kettlebell swings - although they are two handed - my grip is weak. Second thing I noticed is my throat was really dry after this workout ... not to worry , water to the rescue ;-) . As said before I will attempt to get as close as possible to Josh Everett's time on every benchmark workout and in this case I will have to be twice as fast to make it . Well, got a long way to go ...


Davie said...

If that is your first attempt at helen that is a really good time.

David said...

Yep, it was my first attempt at Helen, although maybe my 200 rope jumps could have speeded thing up a little . I have also been practicing those crossfit style swings in a few previous workouts over the past couple of weeks, other than that , that was my first date with Helen;-)