Friday, April 20, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 3

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 1 + 3 Drop Snatches

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x2 + (1,2)x1
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 10 (last 5 reps were partials)
1 minute rest]

Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 1
2 minutes rest
Pistols w/ 32kg x 3 (L&R)

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 3
1 minute rest]

-Will start using 40kg in the negative only pull-ups next week.
I'll start with 3 sets of 4-5 seconds and will work my way up from there.
This way I'll be able to tackle the 32kg pull-ups with greater ease once I can get a 10 second controlled negative with 40kg.

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