Monday, April 30, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, BOR, MP, Pistols Day 1

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x5
2 minutes rest]

[Bent Over Row w/ 56kg x (1,2,3)x 3
Military Press w/ 32kg x 1 x 4
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 3
3 minutes rest]

Friday, April 27, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 6

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 1
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1,1
1 minute rest
Power Snatch w/ 60kg x 1
1 minute rest
Power Snatch w/ 62kg x 1
3 minutes rest
Power Snatch w/ 64kg x 1
3 minutes rest
Power Snatch w/ 66kg x 1
2 minutes rest
[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x3 + (1,2)x1
2 minutes rest]

MP w/ 32kg x 1
2 minutes rest
MP w/ 32kg x 1
3 minutes rest
MP w/ 32kg x 2 (L&R) (PR)
2 minutes rest
[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 5
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 10
1 minute rest]

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 5

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 3

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x2
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 5
2 minutes rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 6
2 minutes rest]

Monday, April 23, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 4

Power Snatch w/ 30kg + 3 Drop Snatches

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x4
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 3
2 minutes rest]
Supersetted with
[Negative Pull-up w/ 40kg x 3 x 3
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 2 x 4
3 minutes rest]

Friday, April 20, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 3

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 1 + 3 Drop Snatches

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x2 + (1,2)x1
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 10 (last 5 reps were partials)
1 minute rest]

Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 1
2 minutes rest
Pistols w/ 32kg x 3 (L&R)

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 3
1 minute rest]

-Will start using 40kg in the negative only pull-ups next week.
I'll start with 3 sets of 4-5 seconds and will work my way up from there.
This way I'll be able to tackle the 32kg pull-ups with greater ease once I can get a 10 second controlled negative with 40kg.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 2

Power Snatch w/ 30kg

[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x1+(1,2)x1
2 minutes rest]

[Military Press w/ 32kg x 1 x 6
2 minutes rest]
Supersetted with
[Partial Pull-up w/ 32kg x (1+1N)x4
2 minutes rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 6
2 minutes rest]

Monday, April 16, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, Press/Pull-up, Pistols Day 1

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 1 + 3 Drop Snatches
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1,2
2 minutes rest
Power Snatch w/ 56kg x 1
2 minutes rest
[Power Snatch w/ 50kg x (1,2,3)x3
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 4
3 minutes rest]
supersetted with
[Partial PU w/ 32kg x (1+1N)x3
2 minutes rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 2 x 4
3 minutes rest]

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pistols & Snatches Pt II Day 3

[MP w/ 32kg x 1
2 minutes rest]

MP w/ 32kg x 2 (L&R, very hard second rep)

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 5
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 8
1 minute rest]

Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 6
(from low hang position at knee level)*

[One Arm High Pull w/ 32kg x 8 x 8
1 minute rest]

[Pull-ups w/ 32kg x (1+1N) x 2
1 minute rest]

*: Tested my approximate max reps in the Power Snatch because I have reached
a plateau with the EDT (for max strength) protocol of 15 sets of 1 rep.
Will be implementing the ETK method described by Pavel in his new book to break the Power Snatch plateau and finally power snatch 70kg. 10 more kg to go.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

2 Power Snatches w/ 30kg + 3 Drop Snatches
4 Power Snatches w/ 50kg
2 minutes rest
High Pull w/ 60kg x 1
1 minute rest
[Power Snatch w/ 60kg x 1 (Straps)
2 minutes rest]
2 minutes rest
[Power Snatch w/ 64kg x 1F
2 minutes rest]
Power Clean + Power Jerk w/ 64kg
1 minute rest
PC + PJ w/ 76kg x 1
1 minute rest
Power Clean w/ 80kg (PR)
PC+PJ w/76kg x 1
1 minute rest
[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 6
2 minutes rest]

Partial Pull-up w/ 32kg x (1+1N)x1
2 minutes rest

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 1 x 5
2 minutes rest]

[One Arm High Pull w/ 32kg x 10 x 5
2 minutes rest]

Monday, April 09, 2007

Pistols & Snatches Pt I Day 3

[MP w/ 32kg KB x 1 x 4
3 minutes rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 2 x 3
3 minutes rest]

[Partial Pull-up w/ 32kg x (1+2N)x 3
3 minutes rest]

[One Arm High Pulls w/ 32kg KB x 12 x 3
3 minutes rest]

Friday, April 06, 2007

Deadlift, Press & Pistols


[60kg x 4
10 seconds rest]

90kg x 3
30 seconds rest
110kg x 2
60 seconds rest
120kg x 1 (started using mixed grip here)
2 minutes rest
130kg x 1
2 minutes rest
140kg x 1 (PR)
3 minutes rest
150kg x 1 (PR, still in good form)
4 minutes rest
160kg x 1 (PR, a hard lockout, but made it)
4 minutes rest

[MP w/ 32kg KB x 1 x 3
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg KB x 1 x 3
1 minute rest]

-I have been wanting to test my deadlift for quite a while now, but I didn't
want it to hamper my other training. Today seemed ideal, so I went for it.
My next goal is 182kg or 400 pounds. Should be able to get there in a couple of months. In the mean time I will keep my focus on the Power Snatch and Power Clean & Power Jerk.
-To find out warm-up protocol I used, check out this link.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pistols, Snatches & Presses Pt II Day 2

[MP w/ 32kg KB x 1 x 8
1 minute rest]

Pistols w/ 24kg x 2
2 minutes rest
Pistols w/ 24kg x 2
3 minutes rest
Pistols w/ 32kg x 2
3 minutes rest
32kg KB High Pull x 4
2 minutes rest
32kg KB High Pull x 4
3 minutes rest
32kg KB Snatch x 15 (L&R)
5 minutes rest
Swings w/ 2x24kg x 5
32kg KB Snatch x 4
5 minutes rest
Windmill w/ 32kg x 2 (L&R)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Olympic Lifting Day Week 12 (back off)

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 3 + 3 Drop Snatches
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1,1
Power Snatch w/ 60kg x 1 (straps)
1 minute rest
Power Snatch w/ 60kg x 1 (straps)
1 minute rest
Power Snatch w/ 64kg x 1F (straps)
1 minute rest
[Power Snatch w/ 62kg x 1 x 3,HP,HP,HP
1 minute rest]

[32kg MP x 1 x 5
2 minutes rest]

Power Clean + Power Jerk w/ 62kg x 1
Power Clean + Power Jerk w/ 70kg x 1
1 minute rest
[Power Clean + Power Jerk w/ 76kg x 1 x 3
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 24kg KB x 2 x 5
2 minutes rest]

[32kg KB High Pull x 5 x 5
2 minutes rest]

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Pistols, Snatches & Presses Pt I Day 2

[Pistols w/ 24kg x 2 x 3
3 minutes rest]

[32kg KB High Pull x 6 x 3
3 minutes rest]

[Partial MP w/ 32kg x 1+1N x 1
2 minutes rest]

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 3
3 minutes rest]