Friday, September 23, 2005

Casual Fridays

Since I'm opting for muscle gain right now, 21 day itch isn't cutting it (with all the singles I'm gaining a lot of strength, but no size), so here's what I did today as a 'finisher':

Isometric Deadlifts from Blocks (shin height) 3x5 w/ 70kg
Power Cleans 3x5 w/50kg
1 Arm Renegade Rows with 1 pood kettlebell: 3x8
Bent over shrugs w/50kg 3x8

Finished off with 30 2 arm 2 pood kb swings.

1 comment:

igortorfs said...

If you're going for muscle mass now, I think you're definitely on the right track: you started with a month of CF to build your GPP, then continued with barbell strength emphasis workouts. Next, I believe, is now to evolve a few weeks to 5x5 (Mahler) or Bear (Pavel) and adapth your food pattern a bit and you're all set (eggs, milk, tuna, if more budget: chicken, steak, etc.)