Friday, May 11, 2007

ETK Power Snatches, BOR, MP, Pistols Day 6

Pull-up w/ 32kg x 2 (PR)

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 1
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1

[Power Snatch w/ 56kg x (1,2,3)x2
2 minutes rest]

[Bent Over Row w/ 56kg x (1,2,3)x3 + (1,2)
2 minutes rest]

MP w/ 32kg x 1
2 minutes rest
MP w/ 32kg x 1
3 minutes rest
MP w/ 32kg x 2.5 reps (L&R)

[MP w/ 32kg x 1 x 5
1 minute rest]

[Pistols w/ 32kg x 2 x 8
1 minute rest]


Didn't train for the pull-ups specifically in the last couple of days, seems like
my increased strength in the bent-over rows is carrying over nicely to my weighted pull-up numbers. Curious to see how this will progress.

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