Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Olympic Lifting Day 5

Power Snatch w/ 30kg x 3 + 3 Drop Snatches
Power Snatch w/ 50kg x 1,1,1,1

[Power Snatch w/ 60kg x 1 + 4xF
1 minute rest]

[Power Clean + Power Jerk w/ 70kg x 1 x 15
1 minute rest]

[Good Morning w/ 80kg x 4 x 5
Holle DB Deadlift w/ 22kg x 1 x 6
1 minute rest]

[Face Pulls w/ Red Band x 20 x 3
1 minute rest]

-The Power snatches were not working today, I only got 1 successful rep (and form wasn't perfect on that one either). So I kept trying to get another rep, basicly doing another 4 sets of snatch grip high pulls. Just getting my body used to the weight. Next time will be better for sure.
-Power cleans went well today. Really focused on 'getting tall' and 'shrugging at the top'. Will up the weight next time.
-The Good Mornings are coming along well, although I think that after this 2 week cycle I just started, I'll have to change things up (another movement). I'm seriously considering doing a Westside cycle while using my warm-ups to keep my technical Olympic Lifting work up to speed.
-The Holle DB Deadlifts were hard, as usual. I had to assist my working hand with my non-working hand and let go at the top for a controlled negative. Great grip builder.

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