Sunday, June 01, 2008

PTP + Crossfit Day 5 + Clubbells


108kg x 5
3 minutes rest
98kg x 5

Barbell Military Press:

40kg x 5
3 minutes rest
36kg x 5

2 8kg Clubbells:

[Clean to order w/ Torch Press x 2
30 seconds rest]

[Lateral Cast x 4 (choked)
30 seconds rest]

-Will start implementing RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) into my routines
to get a better of where I am at fatigue-wise.
RPE for DL and MP: 2, felt easy. DL and MP form (mixed grip) felt crisp.
The military press worked surprisingly well. Maybe the CB's are having their effect already ? We'll see how I progress in the upcoming weeks.
-Skipped Crossfit again, as I didn't want to tap into my reserves too much.

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