Saturday, January 13, 2007

Good Mornings & Muscle Ups/Bottom Ups: Day 1

Good Mornings w/ 50kg x 7
[Good Mornings w/ 68kg x 3 x 8
1 minute rest]

15 Minute PR Zone:
[Muscle Ups w/ 5kg x 19 reps
Bottom Up clean w/ 24kg x 22 reps (L&R)]

-The good morning variation I use is the 'bent over with bent legs' version as explained in ==> April 02: Back and Ab Training. The good mornings felt great and I was ending the movement explosively , locking out with glutes as in in a squat/deadlift.
-I was planning on doing the muscle ups, but didn't want to spend my time recovering between sets doing nothing. So I supersetted muscle ups with bottom up cleans w/ 24kg KB to keep working my grip. The bottoms up clean were mostly attempts as I haven't mastered it with both hands yet. Will up the weight used for muscle ups when I will be able to double the amount of reps I did today (19x2=38reps).
-The muscle ups were mainly done as singles and doubles, while the bottom up clean were doubles (L&R).

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