Wednesday, April 05, 2006

HITting it

After some researching I have decided to embark on a yet another new training program. This time, however, I'm pretty convinced that it's going to produce results (it already is). For more information I suggest you check out the following articles:

The Rebirth of HIT
High Intensity Training

Here what todays workout looked like:

Pistols w/10kg x 12 + 2 Negatives
Squat w/ Ligh Bands & 70kg x 15
Romanian Deadlift w/ 90kg x 8
Pullover w/ 20kg x 7
Lateral Raise w/ 8kg x 7 + 3 Negatives
Bent-Over Row w/ 52kg x 9 + 3 Negatives
Press Behind Neck w/ 36kg x 9 + Negatives
One Arm Negative Chin-up w/ Band Assistance: 6 Negatives (L&R)
Curl w/ 20kg x 12 + 2 Negatives
Lying Tricep Extension w/ 30kg x 13 + 2N
Partial Ring Dips w/ 5kg x 7 + 3N
Static Wheel Rollout Hold: 30 sec + 2x10 sec Negatives

Notes: -The Romanian Deadlifts are really more for grip work then anything else, as I'm using an overhand grip to work that weak link.
-I made 3-5 rep jump with both the curl and the tricep extensions, will be using more weight for that next workout
-Weighted Pistols are remarkably taxing cardio-wise, managed to improve my rep count this time. Will up the weight next time. Same goes for squats.

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