Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Changing it up

Weighted Pistols w/ 20kg x 9 + 2N
Squat w/ Red Bands & 80kg x 8
Romanian Deadlifts w/ 90kg x 10
Pull-Over w/ 25kg x 6
Lateral Raise w/ 8kg x 9 + 4N
Bent-Over Row w/ 56kg x 10 + 3N
Press Behind Neck w/ 36kg x 8 + 3N
Curls w/ 26kg x 8 + 3N
Tricep Extension w/ 36kg x 8 + 3N
Negative Ring Dips w/ 10kg x 9N
Wheel Rollout Static Hold: 45sec + 2x10sec N

-Will be switching my exercises up to focus more on hamstrings,
while keeping correct form, as weighted pistols tend to involve more of
the spinal erectors than the hamstring when fatigued (>5 reps).
So next time my routine will look as follows:
1)Bulgarian Split Squats (back leg elevated)
2)Good Mornings (keeping the back neutral)
3)Squats w/ Band Resistance
4)Stiff Legged Deadlifts

-Will be replacing the pull-over w/ another exercise as the stool I'm using
isn't taking the weight any more.
-My PBNs don't seem to go anywhere... next time I'll up the weight and lower the reps, that should do the trick.
-I added some negative dips as I'm interested in seeing where my progress can I go if I start to accentuate the negative in some exercises. It will also be a way of adding resistance quickly, thus improving muscle recruitement.
-My curl number slightly decreased simple because I was focusing a lot of my attention on the One Arm Chin-up negative. It will go up next time.

1 comment:

igortorfs said...

David, the old school bodybuilder :D

Happy training!