Friday, April 28, 2006

Analysing some more

I decided the previous routine didn't fit my profile, not even for the least. The routine left me exhausted and it didn't seem to incorporate some sort of progression (at least not to me)

So here's what I decided to: I am going to do 2 days a week of HIT style workouts, supersetting a couple of exercises to win time and add a little flavor to the workouts. The other day will be a kettlebells-only day and will be focused around a superset of swings and front squats followed by the 10 minute clean and jerk (a seen in the workout below).

Here's what I did today:
[1. Negative Glute Ham Raise w/ 5kg 5,5
2. Pause Squats w/ 60kg 8,8]
3. Bent-Over Rows w/ 60kg x 7 + 2N
[4. DB Press w/ 20kg: 3, 1+1N
5. Curl w/ Red Band & 30kg 3+3N,2+3N]
[6. Incline Fly w/ DB's (10kg each) 8,6
7. Negative Dip w/ 16kg 5,5]

-I will be using a dumbbell instead of the barbell for bent-over rows as the previous exercises really fire up the back to and prevent any great loads to be used with the rows.
-I will lower the weight on presses and will drastically lower the weight on curls as I expirienced the awesome effect of exercise bands used in a barbell movement. It's really quite intense. I'm curious to see the carryover in bandless exercises later on.

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