Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Snatches & Core Work II


OHS w/ Bar x 10
Sq Sn w/ 30kg x 1,1,1,1,1
Sq Sn w/ 50kg x 1,1

90kg x 2
2 minutes rest
[100kg x 2 x 6
2 minutes rest]

Lunges w/ 30kg: 8,6 (L&R)*

[MP w/ 27kg x 1 x 5
PU w/ 16kg x 2 x 5
1 minute rest]

[L-sit: 10 seconds
Tuck Planche: 10 seconds
1 minute rest]**

*: The Lunges were surprisingly hard. My left leg is clearly weaker than my left.
I'll probably lower the weight a bit next time, to get my form & balance right.
**: This circuit felt good. I'm going to keep practicing it this way until I get my tuck planche position just right. Then I'll up the 'seconds' and lower the sets.

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