Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good Morning & DB Row ETK cycle 1 Day 2

[ETD Power Snatch w/ 57kg x 14 x 1*
1 minute rest between sets]

[Arched Back Good Mornings w/ 60kg x (1,2)x3 + 1
Holle DB Row w/ 16kg x (1,2)x3 + 1
1 minute rest between ladders]

[Push Press w/ 54kg x 5,4,3,3,4
2 minutes rest between sets]

*: These sets are pretty taxing to the CNS. I will continue doing them until
progress stalls. I think a lot of the progress here depends on grip strength.
I will consider implementing Prilepins recommendations here and Nov 02 'Deadlift on the rise' on this in the future though.
I noticed that a couple of days of working with the Holle DB already strengthed my
fingers noticeably.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Good Morning & DB Row ETK cycle 1 Day 1

[Good Mornings w/ 60kg x 3 x (1,2,3)
supersetted with
Holle it Up DB Rows w/ 16kg x 3 x (1,2,3)]

Front squat:

60kg x 1
70kg x 1
80kg x 1

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Performance Menu Day 4

[Power Snatch w/ 42kg x 2r x 3s
supersetted with
Holle DB snatches w/ 10kg x 10 (L&R)]

Good Mornings:

50kg x 5
1 minute rest
60kg x 5
30 sec
70kg x 3 (form was not good)

-Will see how I can incorporate the good mornings in my routine soon.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Performance Menu Day 3

Front Squat (50kg x 3, 52kg x 2, 56kg x1) x 3
Followed up with :
Front Squat:

60kg x 1
70kg x 1
80kg x 1

Snatch Pull w/ 60kg x 3 x 3

Holle DB Snatches x 10L+10R x 2

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

PM Day 2

Mid Hang Muscle Snatch:

36kg x 3s x 3r
60 seconds rest between sets

2 position clean (floor, mid thigh)
+ 2 jerks: 42kg x 4 sets

10-16-20 reps of:

Swings w/24kg
Clean + Push Press w/ 16kg

-Used 16kg instead of 24kg in the push press as my triceps felt tired from yesterday.

Monday, December 22, 2008


After a loooong layoff, I'm getting back into the game.

First of all, since my workout capacity is non-existant, I'll be working out >4x a week for the next couple of weeks and the focus will be on Olympic lifts as seen on the performance menu daily workouts (started the new cycle the 15th of December.

I also decided to participate in a push-pull meet the 4th of April in Gent.

Goals: Pull 180kg+ (190kg would be great)
Bench Press: 80kg+

So here's yesterday's workout:

Back Squat w/ 84kg x 3s x 5r
60 seconds rest between sets

Snatch Grip Deadlift w/ 60kg x 3 x 3
60 seconds rest between sets

Push Press w/ 52kg x 5,5,4,5,3
90 seconds rest beween sets