Sunday, July 23, 2006

SNGRDL, Pull-up and Press

OHS w/ Bar x 10
OHS w/ 30kg x 10
High Pull w/ 50kg x 5


70kg x 1
[80kg x 3x 4
3 minutes rest]

[Press x 4 x 4 w/ 24kg
Pull-ups vs Red Iron Woody Band (looped around 32KB and front of the neck x 4 x 3
2 minutes rest]

Floor Press:

No Sandbag : 50kg x 3
50kg x 3
60kg x 1
No Sandbag:
60kg x 1
70kg x 1 Fail

[Full Wheel Rollout x 3
1 minute rest]

-Snatch Grip Deadlift progress is going good. I'm looking forward to using 100kg on this exercise and am curious to know what it's going to do for my snatch and power clean numbers.
-Why did I suddenly cut the curls ? Well, mainly because I felt a sticking point coming up on the military press. It was getting harder and harder to get the bell of
my chest when I got tired. So I did some googling and evidently found the answer to the problem HERE. To summarise: wide lats=weight clears chest easily.
-I always add in some overhead squat work in my warm-ups as well as some bungee cord shoulder 'dislocated'. I got another idea from the Gym Jones website: Close grip/ Wide stance OHS:
A training tool. The point isn't to Squat but to increase shoulder strength and flexibility and to find (by feel) the proper position and weighting. Sometimes a set of these is one rep. Muscles that are rarely used tire easily and the neurological net that controls them fries fast when it isn't often used. The form is the point so close observation is essential when including this movement in a circuit to prevent form from degrading as the athlete tires.

-Since I am not doing any real grip work with straps-assisted SNGRDL's, I am currently looking into some workouts to tax my grip. This seems like a nice one.

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