Sunday, August 01, 2010

New beginnings: Gymnastics Day 1

Sold my bar + plates to a friend of mine. Getting married soon.
So, I thought I would build strength with the option I have now:
Paralletes + Rings + Kettlebells :-)

Enter Building the Gymnastics Body by Coach Sommer.
I have dabbled in the Steady State Cycles in 2006, but really feel like I need
to stick with it for at least 3 months and see what happens. After all,
the strength of gymnast has a huge carry-over to other activities.

The plan is to take it easy on the static movements. Will try to train 4x week and follow each static movement superset with a set of dynamic movements to take advantage of the neural activation of the previous movement:

[6 seconds of tuck planche*
6 seconds of tuck front lever**
54 seconds rest]

Limited range Headstand Pushup (3 books)w/ wall support
5 reps, 5 reps, 4 reps
+/- 1-2 minutes between sets


* = Not really hitting the position I need, feet barely of the ground
** = More towards flat tuck than round back. Taking it slow

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